Jagdish Prasad Sharma, an 82-year-old retired engineer from Ballia, Uttar Pradesh, has defied age norms by returning to college to pursue his dream of becoming a musician. Despite enjoying a 30-year career as an engineer, Sharma has enrolled in Murali Manohar Town Degree College in Ballia to pursue a PhD in music.

Sharma, who holds a diploma in mechanical engineering from Government Polytechnic College in Lucknow, expressed his lifelong interest in music. He explained that although he was inclined towards music since childhood, life’s circumstances led him to a career in engineering. Now, in his senior years, he is determined to fulfill his musical aspirations.

Reflecting on his decision to return to college, Sharma emphasized the importance of keeping hobbies alive, stating that they serve as inspiration to live. He believes that even in old age, his dream of becoming a musician remains vibrant and relevant.

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Arvind Upadhyay, a music professor at Murali Manohar Town Degree College, commended Sharma’s enthusiasm and dedication to learning music. He noted that Sharma, despite his age, approaches his musical education with diligence, serving as an inspiration to both his fellow students and the professor himself.