Niranjan Hiranandani, the 73-year-old leader of the Hiranandani Group, recently made headlines by sharing a video of his journey on a Mumbai local train. This video depicted various moments, including his time spent waiting on the platform, boarding the air-conditioned coach, and traveling to Ulhasnagar in Maharashtra’s Thane district.
In his post’s caption, Hiranandani explained that he chose the train route to save time and steer clear of Mumbai’s infamous traffic, dubbing the experience as truly enlightening.
He mentioned, “Opting for the train to save time and beat the city’s traffic was an eye-opening personal experience.” This video, posted on his Instagram account, has amassed an impressive 22 million views, with numerous viewers commending Hiranandani for his choice of public transportation.
Many comments praised his down-to-earth approach, while others expressed a strong desire to meet him. Nevertheless, some observant users pointed out that he boarded the handicapped coach, typically reserved for individuals with physical disabilities, expectant mothers, and cancer patients.
Despite the criticism regarding his choice of coach, the overall response underlined the significance of influential figures embracing public transportation. Such actions are seen as beneficial in tackling issues like pollution and enhancing infrastructure development.
Niranjan Hiranandani, ranked as the 79th richest Indian on the Forbes list, co-founded the Hiranandani Group alongside his brother Surendra, who now manages his independent venture.