Renowned Indian Businessman Rajiv Bajaj, the Managing Director and CEO of Bajaj Auto, has been a key driving force behind the organization’s progress and advancements. Rajiv Bajaj, son of the late Rahul Bajaj, who served as the Chairman Emeritus of the esteemed Bajaj Group until his demise in February 2022, holds an essential place in the family legacy.

The roots of the illustrious Bajaj Group can be traced back to 1926 when Jamnalal Bajaj, a devoted follower of Mahatma Gandhi, founded the organization. Today, the Bajaj Group encompasses 40 diverse businesses, including ventures in the two-wheeler, financial services, and electrical appliance industries.

Who is Rajiv Bajaj?

Born on December 21, 1966, Rajiv attended St. Ursula High School in Akurdi, Pune. He later achieved a distinguished degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pune in 1988. In 1990, Rajiv earned a Master’s degree in Manufacturing Systems Engineering with distinction from the University of Warwick.

Taking charge as the Managing Director of Bajaj Auto in 2005, Rajiv Bajaj played a pivotal role in turning around the struggling business. He spearheaded the launch of the highly acclaimed Pulsar line of motorbikes, contributing significantly to the company’s success. Rajiv is presently the owner of Bajaj Auto, a leading manufacturer in the two-wheeler industry.

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Throughout his tenure with Bajaj Auto, Rajiv served in various capacities, including Manufacturing & Supply Chain (1990–95), R&D and Engineering (1995–2000), and Marketing and Sales (2000–2005). Since April 2005, he has been at the helm of the company as its Managing Director.

During an interview with CNBC-TV18, he revealed that Siddharth Lal, the Managing Director of Eicher Motors Limited (EML), known for owning the Royal Enfield brand, has been a profound source of inspiration for him. According to Forbes, Rajiv Bajaj’s net worth stood at an impressive $4.3 billion in 2022 (equivalent to approximately Rs 35,600 crore).

Rajiv Bajaj’s contributions and achievements continue to make a significant impact in the business world, carrying forward the legacy of the Bajaj Group.