In the glitzy world of Bollywood, where celebrities like Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, and Deepika Padukone command immense popularity, personal security is a top priority. These megastars, known for their massive fan following, spare no expense in ensuring their safety as they navigate public spaces. Among them, Shah Rukh Khan stands out not just for his stellar career but also for the hefty sum he pays to his trusted bodyguard.

Shah Rukh Khan, Bollywood’s wealthiest actor, reportedly pays his bodyguard, Ravi Singh, an annual salary of Rs 3 crore, translating to a monthly income of around Rs 25 lakhs. Ravi Singh has been faithfully safeguarding King Khan for over a decade, not only during public appearances but also extending his protection to Shah Rukh Khan’s children, Suhana Khan and Aryan Khan.

In the realm of celebrity bodyguards, Ravi Singh’s salary eclipses that of others in the business. For instance, Salman Khan’s long-time bodyguard, Shera, who has been by the actor’s side for close to 29 years, earns approximately Rs 15 lakhs per month, totaling nearly 2 crores annually. Akshay Kumar’s bodyguard, Shreysay Thele, reportedly commands an annual salary of Rs 1.2 crore, while Aamir Khan’s bodyguard, Yuvraj Ghorpade, takes home Rs 2 crores annually.

In recent news, Shah Rukh Khan has made a triumphant return to the silver screen with back-to-back blockbusters, “Pathaan” and “Jawan.” Currently, the actor is captivating audiences in Rajkumar Hirani’s film “Dunkirk,” which hit theatres on December 21. The star-studded cast includes Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, Vikram Kocchar, Anil Grover, and Boman Irani, though the film has garnered mixed responses from viewers. 

Bollywood’s leading lights continue to shine both on and off-screen, with their larger-than-life personas and the security measures they employ to stay safe in the public eye.