Prem Kumar, who is also called Chintan Bhikubhai Kankad, is a movie producer, but he is not like most producers. He is only 25 years old and did not come from a rich or filmmaking family. It is unusual for someone like him to become a film producer, but he did it when he was still a teenager.
Prem Kumar always wanted to be a part of the movie industry. Even when he was in 8th grade and not yet a teenager, he was interested in the technical aspects of filmmaking, like camera angles and long shots. But because he came from a simple family, he had to start working at the age of 12 and continue going to school at the same time.
When Prem Kumar was 18 years old and had no experience in filmmaking, he produced a movie in Gujarati called Koi Aane Parnavo. It was directed by Hirabhai Maniya and released on October 14, 2016. The movie was a mix of drama and comedy and was about a boy named Bhurabhai who was looking for a bride. It starred Zeel Joshi, Kalpesh Rajgor, Anjali, and Abhay Chandarana. Although the movie did not do well at the box office, it helped Prem Kumar achieve his dream of working in the film industry.
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Even while studying, Prem Kumar managed to finish his engineering degree a few years later. After that, he started his own company called Aradhana, without any help from his family or friends. He fulfilled his dream of being an entrepreneur. Currently, he runs four businesses named Aradhana Fashion, Aradhana Glow Sign, Aradhana Physiotherapist, and Aradhana Jari. According to India Today, Aradhana Fashion has a factory that is worth 10 crore rupees and generates a turnover of 50 crore rupees. In 2022, it provided jobs for over 450 people.
When speaking to India Today last year, Prem Kumar said that his love for his family and his dedication to helping them get out of financial difficulties has been his driving force. His family has supported him through tough times, and that has motivated him to keep going. He believes that his success so far is just the beginning, and there is a long way to go. He wants to explore many other industries in the future.