Introducing Dilkhush Kumar, the startup maverick from Bihar, India. With his ride-hailing service modeled after Uber and designed for small towns, Kumar has emerged as a significant player in India’s thriving startup industry. At the age of 29, he once ran a vegetable stall in Patna and operated rickshaws in Delhi. But now, he is the founder and CEO of RodBez, a mobile app-based startup that links rural and urban regions.
Kumar’s success story showcases the potential of India’s startup ecosystem. India ranks third in the world, after the United States and the United Kingdom, in terms of having the largest startup ecosystem. In 2019, the number of startups in India increased by 1300, with tech startups reaching 9300.
RodBez is Kumar’s second entrepreneurial venture in seven years, and he has incorporated techniques from industry giants such as Uber and Ola while also including a unique rural touch. The service provides one-way taxis, taxi pools, and carpool services, with fares increasing with greater distances covered.
Kumar’s vision for RodBez is to connect cities and villages across India, from Kerala to Kashmir. He has invested his entire life’s assets in the startup and has also relied on the support of well-wishers to launch it.
Even though the startup world presents many challenges, Kumar maintains a positive outlook on his company’s future and the opportunities for startups in India. His entrepreneurial spirit and innovative ideas make him a true pioneer in India’s startup ecosystem.