Himanshu Gupta faced numerous challenges during his early years. Originally from Sitarganj in the Udhamsingh district of Uttarakhand, he spent his childhood in Sirauli, a small town situated in the Bareilly district.
The paths of hard work and determination pave the way to success. Himanshu Gupta’s journey stands as a testament to this, illustrating that unwavering commitment can overcome any obstacles. Today, we present the story of an IAS officer who used to commute 70 kilometers daily to attend school and also assisted his father in selling tea at their shop.
In the year 2020, Himanshu Gupta, a resident of Sitarganj in Uttarakhand, achieved the remarkable feat of becoming an IAS officer. He secured an impressive All India rank of 139 in the UPSC examination. During his upbringing, Himanshu frequently accompanied his father who ran a tea cart, often finding himself perched on it.
Himanshu Gupta faced significant hardships during his childhood. Born in Sitarganj, located in the Udhamsingh district of Uttarakhand, he spent his early years in Sirauli, a small town within the Bareilly district. Reflecting on his challenging upbringing in an interview, Himanshu revealed that his childhood differed greatly from that of most children, primarily due to his family’s unfavorable financial circumstances. He endured a childhood marked by extreme poverty.
Himanshu Gupta appeared for the UPSC exam three times, persevering despite the absence of any coaching. Remarkably, in 2019, he secured an impressive rank of 304th. His achievement stands as a testament to his determination and self-driven efforts in preparing for the examination.
Himanshu had once worked at his father’s modest tea stall, serving customers with tea. Utilizing his spare time wisely, he would read newspapers and study for the UPSC exam while managing the tea shop. Himanshu pursued his undergraduate studies at Hindu College, Delhi University, where he obtained his degree.
Himanshu vividly remembered his first experience in a bustling city, as it was his first encounter with urban life. Despite receiving a promising job opportunity after graduating from Hindu College, he made the conscious decision to dedicate himself to preparing for the UPSC civil services examination. In order to support his family, Himanshu later took on the role of a research scholar at a government college.
Himanshu Gupta made three determined attempts to crack the UPSC Civil Services Exam. In his initial attempt, he successfully qualified for the Civil Services, but secured a selection in the Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS). Undeterred, he persisted with his preparations and achieved the rank of IPS in the 2019 UPSC examination. Refusing to give up, Himanshu took one final shot at the UPSC Civil Services Examination, and this time he triumphed by clearing the prestigious Indian Administrative Services (IAS) examination. His perseverance and resilience paid off in the end.
There is no doubt that IAS officer Himanshu Gupta serves as a shining example for all those who aspire to dream big and strive to achieve their goals. His unwavering dedication and refusal to give up are truly inspirational for everyone. His remarkable journey stands as a testament to the power of hard work and determination, motivating others to pursue their aspirations with relentless perseverance.