IPS Manoj Kumar Sharma, despite failing class 12, serves as a shining testament to unwavering perseverance. He defied the odds and successfully conquered one of the nation’s toughest examinations, ultimately achieving his goal of becoming an IPS officer.
Even in the face of life’s challenges, UPSC aspirants must display resilience and unwavering dedication to achieve their dream of becoming IAS and IPS officers. Those who persevere, undeterred by personal obstacles, will ultimately succeed. IPS Manoj Kumar Sharma’s remarkable journey serves as a shining example of sheer diligence. Despite failing class 12, he conquered one of the nation’s most formidable exams, fulfilling his ambition of becoming an IPS officer. His captivating success story serves as an inspiration for aspiring youth.
Who is IPS Manoj Kumar Sharma?
Manoj Sharma hails from the Morena district of Madhya Pradesh. From a young age, he nurtured the aspiration of becoming an IAS officer. However, he faced setbacks when he failed his class 12 exams and obtained a third division in both his 9th and 10th grade. Manoj struggled in class 12, failing in all subjects except Hindi.
Despite encountering numerous setbacks, Manoj never lost faith in his abilities. He persevered and remained committed to his goal, diligently preparing for the prestigious UPSC exam, widely recognized as the toughest examination in the country.
In his book titled “Twelfth Fail,” Manoj documented his journey, recounting his experiences. He revealed that he worked as a tempo driver in Gwalior to sustain himself during his studies. He faced extremely challenging financial circumstances, lacking even a roof over his head. However, his relentless determination propelled him towards success.
While working as a library peon in Delhi, he immersed himself in the biographies of renowned individuals such as Gorky, Lincoln, and Muktbodh. Through these books, he gained profound insights into the realities of life.
Cracked UPSC and achieved the goal
Manoj Kumar Sharma attempted the UPSC exam four times consecutively. While the first three attempts ended in failure, his persistence paid off in the fourth try as he achieved the prestigious rank of IPS with an All India rank of 121. Currently, he holds the position of Additional Commissioner in the Mumbai Police. Known for his commanding presence, Manoj Kumar Sharma is often referred to as Singham and Simba by others.