The past few months have been significant for the Tata Group, with their coffee business, Tata Starbucks, generating a revenue of Rs 1087 crore in 2022-23 after launching an Indianised menu. Additionally, parent company Tata Consumer Products saw profits of Rs 268 crore and a revenue of Rs 3619 crore under the leadership of CEO and MD Sunil D’Souza. He is among the highest-paid CEOs of FMCG companies in India, contributing to the group’s success.
Sunil D’Souza is a highly successful leader within the Tata Group, currently facing competition from Isha Ambani’s Reliance Retail as they venture into the FMCG industry. This includes the recent launch of Pret A Manger in India, a British sandwich and coffee chain, aimed at gaining market share from Tata Starbucks, which currently dominates the market with over 50 new stores launched in 2022 alone. The challenge pits D’Souza against Ambani and Darshan Mehta, adding to the eventful past few months for the Tata Group.
Sunil D’Souza took over as the CEO and MD of the company on April 4, 2020, succeeding Ajoy Misra who had resigned.
Prior to joining the Tata Group, Sunil D’Souza served as the managing director of Whirlpool India. He also has 15 years of experience working at Pepsico.
Starting his career in 1993 with Brooke Bond Lipton India Ltd, Sunil D’Souza has over 30 years of experience in the food and beverages sector.
He completed his engineering degree from the University of Madras and went on to pursue an MBA from IIM. In FY 2021, his salary was Rs 10.49 crore, while he earned Rs 7.62 crore the previous year.
Earlier this year, Sunil D’Souza was in talks with Ramesh Chauhan regarding the acquisition of Bisleri. However, due to disagreements over the valuation offered, the talks were called off. According to D’Souza, the acquisition would have accelerated the company’s plans by three years, but now they plan to focus on their existing brands.