Jamsetji Tata, who started the Tata Group, is known as the most giving person of the last hundred years. He donated a huge amount of money, Rs 8,29,734 crore, according to the EdelGive Foundation and Hurun Report 2021. He gave more than Mukesh Ambani, Ratan Tata, Azim Premji, and Shiv Nadar. Bill Gates came second on the list.
Jamsetji Tata cared about education and healthcare. He started helping out in 1892. Even though he died in 1904, his giving spirit lives on through Ratan Tata, who now manages the charitable work of the Tata Group.
Rupert Hoogewerf, who heads the Hurun Report, noted that many generous people, like those from the Ford Foundation, usually begin their good deeds in the second generation of their family.
Out of the top 50 most generous people worldwide, only one more Indian made it to the list: Azim Premji, who founded Wipro and donated a huge USD 22 billion. Jamsetji Tata, born in Gujarat to a Zoroastrian Parsi family, faced challenges and followed family traditions to start a business.
He got married and had two sons, Dorabji Tata and Ratanji Tata. Ratanji Tata’s grandson is now responsible for continuing the good work and ensuring Tata Group continues to help others.