The big ceremony for the new Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is happening today, and people are excited about it. The Ram Mandir is a beautiful example of Indian architecture that goes back to the fifth century. The ceremony is a big deal because it’s when the Ram Mandir officially opens for worshippers.

Chandrakant Sompura is the main architect behind this amazing building. He comes from a family of famous temple architects, and he’s been working on this project for almost thirty years. He carefully planned everything, even measuring the sacred ground with his footsteps.

Sompura’s family from Ahmedabad has built over 200 temples, including the famous Somnath Temple in Gujarat, the Swaminarayan Temple in Mumbai, the Akshardham Temple complex in Gujarat, and the Birla Temple in Kolkata.

Also Read: Meet The Highest Donor To The Building Of Ayodhya’s Grand Ram Temple

Chandrakant Sompura will go down in history as the main architect of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir, showing how important his work is. Many respected institutions, like the Central Building Research Institute Roorkee, the National Institute of Rock Mechanics, the National Geo Research Institute Hyderabad, IIT Guwahati, IIT Chennai, IIT Bombay, and NIT Surat, helped design the Ram Mandir. This makes the project even more special and shows the expertise behind it.