The special event to bless Lord Ram is happening on January 22 at the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. People from all over the country, including celebrities and businessmen, gave money for building the Ram Mandir. The trust managing the temple construction, Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, says they have spent more than Rs 1,100 crore on the temple so far. Guess who gave the most money? It’s Morari Bapu, a spiritual leader and storyteller of Rama Katha from Gujarat.

Morari Bapu spent more than six decades telling the Ramayana story. He gave a big donation of Rs 18.6 crore for the temple. This money came from Rs 11.30 crore in India, Rs 3.21 crore from the UK and Europe, and Rs 4.10 crore from America, Canada, and other countries. 

People gave this money after Morari Bapu asked for help during an online talk in Pithoria, Gujarat, in August 2020.

Morari Bapu said, “We quickly gave Rs 11.3 crore to the Ram Janmabhoomi Trust within 15 days. The rest of the money from foreign countries got approval, and I will give it to the Ram Janmabhoomi Teertha Trust in February during my talk. 

So, the total donation is Rs 18.6 crore.” Morari Bapu has spent over 64 years talking about Ram, chanting his name, and doing his work. He’s happy that the Ram Temple is opening and is known for wanting peace in the Ayodhya issue.

Also Read: Ayodhya Ram Mandir Inauguration Live Streaming: When And Where To Watch Ram Lala Pran Pratishtha Ceremony

Morari Bapu started telling Ram Katha when he was 14 under a Banyan tree in Talgajarda. He traveled around the world, starting with the first overseas talk in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1976. Morari Bapu has done 930 Ram Kathas (791 in India and 139 abroad), celebrating Ram Lalla’s birth 930 times.