BJP MP Diya Kumari, hailing from Rajsamand and formerly a princess of Jaipur, had been involved in controversies in the past. She claimed that the Taj Mahal belonged to her ancestors, alleging that Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan had “captured” it on their family’s land. To support her assertion, she pointed out that the iconic monument stood on what was once part of the erstwhile Jaipur Royal family’s property. Adding to this, she also claimed her lineage traced back to Lord Ram’s son, and offered to present evidence of it in the Supreme Court to expedite the construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya.
So, Who Is Diya Kumari?
Diya Kumari is the former princess of the Jaipur Royal Family and the granddaughter of the last ruling Maharaja of Jaipur during the British rule in India, Man Singh II. She is also the biological mother of the current ‘Maharaja’ of Jaipur, Padmanabh Singh. Besides being a Member of Parliament representing the BJP from Rajsamand, she is a well-known socialite and philanthropist. Diya Kumari has also established the Princess Diya Kumari Foundation, an organization dedicated to social causes.
Diya Kumari’s Family Background
Born on January 30, 1971, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, Diya Kumari is the daughter of Bhawani Singh, a decorated Indian Army officer and hotelier, and Padmini Devi.
Diya Kumari’s Education
She attended Modern School in New Delhi, G D Somani Memorial School in Mumbai, and Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls’ Public School in Jaipur. Later, she pursued a Fine Arts Decorative Painting Diploma from the Parsons Art and Design School in London, United Kingdom.
Diya Kumar’s Personal Life
On August 6, 1997, Diya Kumari married Narendra Singh Rajawat, a chartered accountant. They had three children together before their divorce in December 2018. Their eldest son, Padmanabh Singh, was adopted as the successor to the erstwhile royal family and became the ‘Maharaja’ of Jaipur on April 27, 2011. The couple also has two other children, Lakshraj Singh and Gauravi Kumari.
Diya Kumari’s Political Career
Diya Kumari joined the Bharatiya Janata Party on September 10, 2013, in the presence of the then Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi, BJP president, Rajnath Singh, and former Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, during a massive rally in Jaipur. She contested the 2013 Rajasthan Legislative Assembly election as a BJP candidate and became an MLA. Subsequently, in 2019, she was elected as a Member of Parliament to the Lok Sabha from Rajsamand.
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Diya Kumari’s Net Worth
Estimating the entire wealth of the Jaipur Royal family is challenging, but according to Forbes and other sources, the total net worth of Diya Kumari’s family is believed to be around USD 2.8 billion. Their assets include various properties, businesses, trusts, and schools, such as City Palace, Jaipur, Jaigarh Fort, Amber Fort, Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum Trust, Jaigarh Public Charitable Trust, The Palace School, Maharaja Sawai Bhawani Singh School, Rajmahal Palace in Jaipur, Hotel Jaipur House at Mount Abu, and Hotel Lal Mahal Palace, Jaipur.