Tata Power, a subsidiary of the Ratan Tata-led group with a market capitalization of approximately Rs 60,000 crore, has reaffirmed its confidence in Praveer Sinha’s leadership capabilities. The veteran businessperson has been re-appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director (MD) of Tata Power for another four years, from May 1, 2023, to April 30, 2027, according to a regulatory filing. The decision was made based on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Board, which met on March 30, 2023.
Under Sinha’s leadership, Tata Power is shifting from a traditional power utility company to a modern sustainable, technology-driven, and customer-centric green energy solutions company. As the CEO of Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd., Sinha led electricity reforms in North Delhi, impacting a population of approximately 60 lakh. TPDDL was recognized as the “Best Power Utility in Asia” on numerous occasions under his leadership. He has played a critical role in the development of almost 10,000 MW of Power Generation Projects in states such as Jharkhand, Orissa, Karnataka, and West Bengal, as well as Hydro Projects in Nepal and Bhutan.
Sinha’s commitment to empowering people is demonstrated by his deep involvement in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. According to the TPDDL website, he has transformed the lives of nearly 30,000 people annually through initiatives such as child education programs, skill enhancement, innovative employment and entrepreneurship opportunities, and encouraging scientific farming practices.
Sinha holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, and a Masters of Business Law degree from National Law School, Bengaluru. He is also a visiting Research Associate at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, USA. According to the Tata Power annual report for 2021-22, Sinha received a total compensation of over Rs 7 crore 92 lakh (Rs 7,92,96,184) in FY22.