Narayan Lal Gurjar, a 24-year-old entrepreneur from Kerdi, a small village in Rajsamand district, along with his four colleagues, created a unique compost using bio-wastes such as orange and banana peels. This compost has been proven to reduce crop water requirements by 40 percent and increase crop production by 20 percent. In recognition of their achievement, Narayan Lal and his team were honored with the President’s Award in 2018.
During the first two years of production, countries such as Japan, Thailand, and the US have purchased this unique fertilizer. The annual revenue generated from the sales is Rs 2 crores. Narayan Lal has established a fertilizer production unit in Rajsamand, from which the products are exported to foreign countries. The raw materials for the fertilizer, bio-waste, are easily obtained from juice factories in the region.
The fertilizer produced by Narayan Lal and his team is called “Fasal Amrit Organic Fertilizer.” Their company, EF Polymer Private Limited, which comprises five friends, was verified by Japan. Two members of the team were invited to Japan for two and a half years of research, during which Narayan Lal successfully conducted research. As a result, the company opened a branch in Okinawa City, Japan.
Narayan Lal’s Fasal Amrit Organic Fertilizer, produced by EF Polymer, has gained success in Japan. During his two and a half years in Japan, Narayan Lal established relationships with researchers, professors, government officials, and investors.
Kerdi is a small village located in Borj Gram Panchayat, 8 kilometers away from Rajsamand. Devi Lal and his wife Ambu Bai are farmers who reside in the village and have four daughters and a son. Narayan Lal Gurjar has three elder sisters, Sita (33), Manju (30), and Paras (27), and a younger sister named Basanti (20). Narayan received his primary education until the 5th grade in the village and then continued his studies at Vidya Niketan School in Rajnagar for classes 6 to 8. He then attended Navodaya School in Rajsamand for his 9th to 12th grade education.
Following his successful research in Japan, Narayan Lal Gurjar opened a branch of EF Polymer Organic Fertilizer Company in Okinawa City, Japan, where his product was verified. Upon returning to India in 2022, Narayan began manufacturing the product in Rajsamand and exporting it to Japan. Since receiving verification, their compost products have been exported to Japan, the US, and Thailand.
In India, the Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh-Uttar Pradesh has seen Tata Trust and other agro companies working with farmers on Narayan Lal Gurjar’s Fasal Amrit Organic Fertilizer. Results have shown a 20 percent increase in yield and a 40 percent reduction in water usage for crops grown using this product.
Narayan Lal Gurjar has received a total of 50 awards to date for his work. In 2022, Japan’s Environment Minister, Akihiro Nishimura, presented Narayan Lal with the Best Environment Startup award.
Narayan Lal Gurjar, who received recognition for his startup at the young age of 24, recently got married on May 3 in Lambodi, a small village in Rajsamand.