Sudha Murty, who leads Infosys Foundation, was the first woman engineer at Tata Motors, which used to be called TELCO. It was tough for women to do engineering back then, but she did it.
She is known as a teacher, writer, and someone who helps others. She is married to N R Narayana Murthy, who helped start Infosys. Sudha Murty surprised everyone by giving him Rs 10,000 (money) to start his own company.
This happened when the IT sector (computers and technology) in India was just starting. Sudha Murty believed a lot in the IT sector and thought it would grow big.
The story goes like this: Sudha Murty got to know Narayana Murthy through her friend Prasanna. She liked Narayana Murthy’s business idea and decided to give him money. In 1981, Infosys started with the Rs 10,000 Sudha Murty gave. She talked about this on The Kapil Sharma Show.
In an interview with Moneycontrol, Sudha Murty talked about how Narayana Murthy saw a big future for the IT sector in India. He wanted a “software revolution.”
The Rs 10,000 Sudha Murty gave was very important for Infosys. It started in 1981 from a one-bedroom house. Now, Infosys is one of the biggest IT companies globally, worth Rs 6,35,000 crore.
Sudha Murty thinks giving Rs 10,000 to Narayana Murthy was her “best investment.” She jokes that she might be the “best investor in India, or maybe in the world.” Right now, she owns 0.95% of Infosys.