Prakash Panjwani, hailing from Nagpur in Maharashtra, India, attended Vidyakunj High School in Vadodara for his high school education. He earned a BS in Electronics Engineering from Columbia University.
Numerous Indian entrepreneurs were born in India, yet they have achieved worldwide recognition through their work abroad. In this article, we will introduce you to Prakash Panjwani, a native of Nagpur, India, who is now the CEO of an American cybersecurity company. He leads WatchGuard, a network security vendor based in Washington.
Prakash Panjwani was born in Nagpur, Maharashtra and attended Vidyakunj High School in Vadodara for his high school education. He earned a BS degree in Electronics Engineering from Columbia University and an MS in Information Networking from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Panjwani’s father worked as a government employee and later pursued a career as a tax lawyer.
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After completing his studies in electrical engineering, Prakash Panjwani began his career in telecommunications. However, in 1998, he was recruited by a security startup which sparked his interest in cybersecurity. From then on, he decided to pursue his career in this field.
In 2015, Prakash Panjwani became the CEO of WatchGuard Technology. Prior to this, he held the same position at SafeNet for 12 years, which is one of the world’s largest information security companies. WatchGuard Technology employs approximately 1200 people and operates in 10 to 12 countries worldwide, focusing on cybersecurity. Recently, the company also opened an office in India and provided job opportunities for hundreds of professionals.
According to reports, WatchGuard’s total revenue is 252.1 million dollars, which is equivalent to more than 2000 crore rupees in INR.