In a deeply saddening incident, a 27-year-old student, identified as Ayush Gupta, from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bengaluru, breathed his last on Sunday afternoon due to a sudden cardiac arrest. Ayush Gupta was a second-year Post Graduate Programme (PGP) in Management student at the esteemed institution.
The young student held the role of senior coordinator in the Student Alumni Committee of PGP, showcasing his active involvement in various aspects of campus life. Ayush was diligently pursuing his MBA at IIMB, and prior to that, he had successfully completed his summer internship at Faering Capital. He also collaborated closely with the Institute’s alumni, forging valuable connections for the future.
Ayush Gupta, a talented individual, had previously completed his graduation from BITS Pilani in the year 2017, signifying his dedication to education and personal growth.
IIM Bangalore expressed its profound grief on Twitter, announcing the sad news of Ayush Gupta’s untimely demise. The entire IIMB community is mourning the loss of their cherished second-year PGP student, Ayush (27), who left us after experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest this afternoon.
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The incident has left the academic community in shock, as they remember Ayush Gupta for his bright presence on campus and his remarkable contributions to the Student Alumni Committee. May his soul rest in peace.